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Florida Assist version is a $10,000 silent second mortgage deferred payment at 0% interest. This $10,000 must be repaid when the property sells, is refinanced, rented out or when the Mortgagor leaves the property for any reason. Florida HLP version is a $10,000 - monthly repayable 2nd mortgage low interest loan. The remaining balance of this mortgage must be repaid when the property sells, is refinanced, rented out or when the Mortgagor leaves the property for any reason.
Browse through our frequent homebuyer questions to learn the ins and outs of this government backed loan program. The Housing Finance Authority of Miami-Dade recognizes the high upfront costs of purchasing a home. To help offset this cost, the HFA offers a first mortgage as well down payment assistance to potential homebuyers.'s compilation is not a complete list, but it can serve as a starting point in your search for the down payment assistance program or grant for your situation. It is up to the consumer to contact these entities and find out the specifics of each program.
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and Application for Local Government Area of Opportunity Funding
They insure the FHA loans that we can assist you in getting. is a private corporation and does not make loans. The household income is considered for ALL borrower, spouses, and anyone 18 years or older. The most recognized 3.5% down payment mortgage in the country.
There are no monthly payments but the loan must be repaid when the first mortgage is refinanced, sold, foreclosed, or no longer serves as the borrower’s primary address. Compare the top down payment assistance programs and first time home buyer special mortgage financing available in Florida. We offer these Special Mortgage Financing programs free to you as a service to our local Florida community.
Power Purchase Plus Program NO Mortgage Insurance
The HFA currently offers three first mortgage options with rates as low as 5.00% . Down payment and closing cost assistance is available in the form of a 0% second mortgage. Mortgage Credit Certificates are also available with most loans.
First Time Homebuyer's or Borrowers or Spouse have not owned a home in the last 3 years, Veterans do not need to be first time home buyers. No Bankruptcies in last 2 years, no foreclosure last 3 years for Government Agency loans or 4 years bankruptcy and/or 7 years foreclosures, short sales, or deed in lieu for conventional loans. NO mortgage insurance for Borrower with this Conventional loan program. This program has income limits of 100% of the HUD Median Income for Low to Moderate HUD Tract Income Level and 80% of the Income Tract Level if tract is not in Low to Moderate Income level.
Miami-Dade HFA Down Payment Assistance Program
No cash back at closing, any excess funds will be used to pay down first mortgage referred to as Principal Reduction. FHA version of program includes ALL income of Household whether or not all the residents are on the actual mortgage. FHA version back end ratio 44.99% or less for middle FICO scores 660 or higher. This loan must be used in conjunction with a State of Florida Assist FHA or Conventional first mortgage loan. Buyers who qualify for the Florida First HFA of loan automatically qualify for these second mortgage programs. Mortgage Credit Certificates required in Hillsborough and Duval Counties only.

Single family residences, townhouses, villas and Program APPROVED Condos, no manufactured homes. Duplexes, triplexes or quadraplexes are allowable unless the loan is a Freddie Mac loan, in which case the unit must be single. At 70 to 80 percent of area median income paying no more than 30 percent of income for principal, interest, property taxes, and insurance. Stick built homes or manufactured homes allowed for Government Agency loans (FHA, VA and USDA. 3.5% down payment assistance is in the form of a monthly repayable amortized 10 year 2nd mortgage. Seller can contribute up to 6% towards FHA, VA or USDA and 3% for all conventional Buyers closing costs.
A full independent Home Inspection by the Buyer & a Pass HQS Inspection by the City are required before closing. Income calculated based on HOUSEHOLD income, not just the loan applicant. Potential buyer must utilize the services of a Loan Officer and Real Estate Agent , who is reflected on the City’s current Approved Lender List and current Approved Realtor List. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Buyers must live in the property as their principal residence and the property may never be rented.
The Development will be initially owned and operated by Fulham Terrace, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership. DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE – 5 year forgivable, 0.00% second mortgage, up to $15,000. The second mortgage is forgiven 20% each year and must be repaid when the first mortgage is refinanced, sale, short-sale, foreclosure or if the borrower ceases to live in the property. After the fifth year the second mortgage is completely forgiven.
Broward County recognizes that many individuals who can afford monthly mortgage payments don't have the required down payment for a home. The Broward County’s Homebuyer Purchase Assistance Program helps potential homebuyers overcome this hurdle by offering down payment assistance. Single family residences, townhouses, villas and Program APPROVED Condos, NO manufactured homes. No duplexes, triplexes or quadraplexes without Borrower contributing 3% of the purchase price. Minimum 700 middle FICO score credit score to qualify for all Conventional loans.
This program can be used in many Florida counties, with the EXCEPTIONS of Miami-Dade, Okeechobee and several of the most northern counties, please ask for which counties qualify. Income limit is 200% of the HUD Family Median Income for county property is in. In 10/1 ARM version, last 20 years of loan can adjust every year up 2% and no more than aggregate total of 6% over the course of entire 30 year life of the loan.
Credit scores generally a minimum of 680 middle FICO score and above, some exceptions may be possible depending on particular compensating circumstances. Requires 1% down payment from the home buyer for down payment. VA may be able to provide you some assistance if you run into difficulty making payments.
8 hour face to face or online HUD approved Mortgage Counseling course required. Interest is zero percent (0%) on the loan EXCEPT in the case of default, at which time the remaining balance shall accrue interest at five percent (5%). The actual amount of repair assistance will be based upon the actual repair costs as determined by obtaining three bids. A clear Wood Destroying Organism Report is required prior to closing. Income is based off qualifying income reported on the 1003, regardless of household size. Borrowers 1003 income must be below 115% of the HUD Area Median Income, adjusted for family size where the house is located.
What Properties are Eligible for Hillsborough County, FL Downpayment Assistance?
Eligible property types include new or existing one- to four-unit detached or attached homes, condos, and townhomes. Buyers are also required to occupy the property within 60 days of closing. The information contained on this site including down payment assistance programs, grants, awards, limits, and restrictions are deemed to be accurate at the time of writing. We make every effort to keep our down payment assistance information current; however, some programs may alter their terms or max out their funding. We recommend talking to one of our Down Payment assistance experts to maximize your chances of getting the Down payment assistance you need. With their Home Ownership Program, the Housing Finance Authority of Manatee County offers homebuyers down payment assistance.

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